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Children Privacy
HD Faculty's website is NOT intended for children or anyone under the age of twenty-one (“21’). Be advised that NO one under age 21 may provide any Personal Information on HD Faculty's website or e-Portal. Further, <?> does not collect Personal Information from visitors of HD Faculty's websites or e-Portal, as the case maybe.

Notwithstanding, in the event an unruly child or individual wilfully circumvents our set rules and regulations on this matter and sends an email of their personal, and having received the e-mail wherein is contained Personal Information from a registrant under the age of 21; unless deemed criminal in nature, we will delete that information forthwith, as well as blocking the submitter’s email account from our system.

Message to Parents and Guardians
Be advised that it is important that you monitor yHD Faculty's children's Internet communication in order to insure that they do NOT provide their personal information to anyone via the Internet.

Information Collected and Stored Automatically
Where the visitor visits HD Faculty's interactive portal (e-Portal), the system will collect non-personal information from the visitor when they visit our e-Portals. In such case, the e-Portal collects and stores the following information about the visitor: -

  • the name of the domain from which the visitor access the e-Portal
  • the date and time you access our e-Portal; and
  • the Internet address of the website from which the visitor linked directly to the e-Portal.
Purpose. We utilized information obtained from visitors of the e-Portal to measure the number of visitors to the e-Portal, and to help us to improve or build HD Faculty's e-Portal, as well as to make it more valuable to HD Faculty's authenticated users and licensed professionals, registered members, participants and other eligible registrants.

Sending a Feedback or Contact Us E-mail
In the event the visitor sends us a feedback or contact us email, wherein is contained personal identifying information by e-mail, an authorized personnel may use it to respond to the respective visitor, in accordance with their stated request. In this regards, the recipient of the email maybe required to forward the e-mail to a more qualified team member or information manager or contract personnel who are more capable to answer the queries.

Forbidden to keep or distribute
HD Faculty's personnel are forbidden to keep unauthorized list or distribute lists of e-mail addresses or autthenticated user's names to any parties outside of the company. Notwithstanding, where there is a Court Order or overriding Act of Parliament, having authority over the Company, the Law Enforcement may be granted a copy of such list.

Security Monitor Notice
Be advised that in the specific context of HD Faculty's security monitoring, there is no expectation of privacy, in the case of actual law enforcement and criminal investigations, will we attempt to identify individual users or their illegal usage habits.

The company’s e-Portal employs industry-standard methods to monitor traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to access, upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage or interruption.
Be advised, unauthorized attempts to access, upload or change information on the company servers are strictly prohibited and will be punishable to the fullest extent by the respective law, be it: -
  • Computer Fraud and/or Abuse Act,
  • National Information Infrastructure Protection Act and/or
  • any other prevailing rules and regulations that maybe enacted by the respective jurisdiction.
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